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Freya Louise Knight

Four months old, four pounds heavier and taking a lot more interest in the world

Find Freya in the family tree
FreyaFreyaFayme and Freya
Freya in her play cage dressed in the trousers that Kirsty made. Fayme and Freya hide from the sun in the 80º heat.
KirsteenFreyaKirsteen and Freya
Kirsty braves the sunshine in the garden. Freya with her toy in the shade of a tree. Kirsteen plays at being Aunty.
Freya in buggyOut for a strollKirsteen at pub
Strapped in the buggy ready for… …a stroll to… …the pub! Mother and baby went for a long walk instead.
Walking homeFast asleepToes
Walking home produces the required result… Sleep. This little piggy…
New buggyBouncerFayme and Freya
The new ‘racing’ buggy. Freya in her bouncing frame. She knows how to work the gadgets already.
