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Freya Louise Knight

30th July 2011

Find Freya in the family tree
Freya on a swingFreya on a swingFreya on a swing
Swinging and catching.
Freya climbs the slideFreya climbs the slideFreya climbs the slide
Climbing the slide.
Freya on the rocking horseFreya on a roundaboutFreya on a roundabout
Freya with balloonFreya with balloonFreya in car
Freya loves balloons - 18 months old. A ride in the car to see the horses.
Freya and horsesFreya climbs fenceFreya on push bike
Horses are scary…  
Freya on big slideFreya on big slideIain and Fayme
…but even the biggest slide is not. Iain and Fayme.
